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Refinancing Rate

Mirabaud Refinancing Rate

Date: 20/12/2021

(base rates, in %, applicable on fixed-term advances and/or other credit facilities)

Mirabaud introduced a refinancing cost (Mirabaud Refinancing Rate), with the objectives of:

• Adapting the reference rate at the end of the IBOR reference rates(1);
• Meeting the requirements of the prudential authorities with regard to reference rates (in particular the regulation of the EU authorities);

The Mirabaud Refinancing Rates detailed below form the basis of the interest rates payable on fixed-term advances and/or other credit facilities(2) do not include the credit margin, or spread, which is separately agreed with borrowers(3). The Mirabaud Refinancing Rates are fixed daily(4) and composed by the following three underlying constituents:

  1. the Overnight Risk-Free Rate, SARON for CHF, €STR for EUR, SOFR for USD and SONIA for GBP, calculated from transactions carried out on the money market, or their successors rates, and
  2. the Mirabaud’s liquidity and funding cost, and
  3. the credit risk premium applied to the credit maturity and the structure of the related yield curve.

Minimum Rate (Floor) 3

For Mirabaud Refinancing Rates on currencies/periods not shown above, or any other questions, please contact your Mirabaud Relationship Manager.

For additional information on the matter, please read the related Summary

Mirabaud Refinancing Rates are published as a reference for information to clients of Mirabaud & Cie (Europe) S.A. in the context of fixed-term advances and/or other credit facilities drawn or to be drawn under credit agreements. The publication of these Mirabaud Refinancing Rates cannot be considered as a proposal to borrow.

If Mirabaud Refinancing Rate is negative a minimum floor, not negative, will be applied subject to the separate agreement with borrowers.

Mirabaud Refinancing Rates are fixed every Business Day for the published currencies and information contained here are based on sources considered to be reliable.

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