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Mirabaud Group

Corporate responsibility

Mirabaud’s vision, mission and core values are at the forefront of all our activities. These aspects have conveyed our Group’s culture since it was founded in 1819 and are also at the heart of our corporate responsibility strategy (CSR).

Social Responsibility

Corporate responsibility

Social Responsibility

Mirabaud’s corporate social responsibility involves actively supporting employees’ well-being and professional development.

In all its business lines, subsidiaries and branches, Mirabaud brings together talent in a variety of roles and professions. The bank’s main asset is its employees, whatever their area of expertise. Each and every person, with their expertise and commitment, plays a role in serving Mirabaud’s clients and therefore in the Group’s success.

Mirabaud is aware of the importance of human capital and the benefit of working with motivated and dynamic employees who are experts in their fields; it strives to instil a corporate culture of excellence that is both stimulating and respectful of others. The Group is actively involved in recruiting talent and fostering their personal and professional development internally.

Mirabaud offers generous terms of employment and provides employees with a competitive remuneration package. Mirabaud gives employees the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and improve their skills through a wide range of excellent external training programmes.

Employees benefit from a variety of cultural and sporting activities during their free time. These activities help to achieve work-life balance, encourage employees to support the corporate culture and build on these valued employee relations.

Ensuring high-quality working conditions is a priority. Mirabaud takes the necessary logistical and organisational measures to ensure safety at work as well as the physical and mental health of its employees in all subsidiaries and branches. These are frequently reassessed and adjusted to conform to any new requirements.

The diversity and inclusion of Mirabaud employees - a representation of the company itself - is valuable and an essential asset in improving how we serve an equally diverse client base. In line with its values, Mirabaud strongly condemns discrimination or harassment, actively striving for equal treatment for all its employees and the fostering of a safe working environment.


To encourage a corporate culture that respects all employees, while striving to attract, foster and retain talent.



  • Mirabaud is committed to providing its employees with a healthy and comfortable working environment.
  • Mirabaud is committed to retaining, developing and supporting its talent.
  • Mirabaud is committed to promoting employee diversity, inclusion and equal treatment.



  • Employee satisfaction and training
  • Health and safety at work
  • Diversity, inclusion and equal treatment of employees


More about the UN SDGs

Mirabaud’s social responsibility involves actively supporting employees’ well-being and professional development.

The View

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If we're all by now familiar with the term 'carbon footprint', what about our water footprint? While most people are conscious about their water consumption when taking a long shower or watering the lawn, does anyone really think about water when grocery shopping?

Our investment specialist John Plassard tell us more about water scarcity and industries in which solutions are being developped.


Welcome to Weekly Insights with John Plassard. October 16 marked World Food Day, which this year has the motto: Water is life, water is food.

Leave no one behind. It's time to take another look at this theme. If we're all by now familiar with the term 'carbon footprint', what about our water footprint?

While most people have their upcoming bill in mind when taking a long shower or watering the lawn, does anyone really think about water when grocery shopping?

Depending on your diet, the food we buy can have a huge water footprint. I'm sure you like chocolate.

But did you know that Chocolate tops the list with 17,196 litres of water need to produce 1kg of the product. If you buy 1kg of beef for a barbecue at the weekend, there has been an average of 15,415 liters of water used in its production!

The most thirsty food type is nuts, with 9,063 liters of water needed to produce the average kilo.

One last example? You need 109 litres of water to produce … 2 glasses of wine! More globally, agriculture accounts for 72 percent of all freshwater withdrawals globally, including a lot of overuses.

According to the FAO (food and agriculture Organization), global freshwater resources per person have declined by 20 percent in the past decades, while water availability and quality have also deteriorated.

Additional factors playing a role in this are pollution and climate change, stretching the precious resource even thinner.

The United Nations estimates that more than two billion people live in countries that are already experiencing high water stress.

Climate change, a growing world population, increased demand for agriculture and the expansion of urban areas are all factors that will exacerbate this stress in the years to come.

Desert climates like on the Arabian peninsular make countries there overextend their annual water budgets by agriculture alone.

This has led to studies concluding that the United Arab Emirates, for example, could run out of groundwater by 2030.

The aim here is obviously not to take advantage of this tragic situation, but rather to analyse the companies that will be best able to improve matters by developing solutions and methods to combat this scourge.

For example

  • Software & Smartgrid
  • “Chemical” water purification
  • Pump, treatment and analysis equipment
  • Smart farming

Don’t hesitate to ask us for more information and names on the topic.

Have a great week, stay safe and … keep on winning.

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